Yesterday evening I had to take my father to the ER.
For some of my readers, this would seem to be a shock; however, my father always seems to have one health problem or another. So for me this is not a big surprise; on the other hand, the outcome was surprising.
Typically, for as long as I can remember, my father would end up having to spend days or even weeks in the hospital to deal with some ailment. Last night was different.
Before taking him, we prayed that God would give us success in our mission and that he would guide the doctor to know what needed to be done. God answers prayers. We were in the ER a total of just under one hour! He saw the doctor and the doctor knew exactly what the problem was, diagnosed it and wrote a prescription to cover both the symptoms and the underlying cause. Then he even modified an earlier prescription so that Dad could get the generic of a heart med!
We thanked God for his answers to our prayers, and He blessed our mission even further; we pulled out and right nearby was an all-night pharmacy which was able to fill our prescriptions quickly.
Let me assure all of my readers - the hospital was not the key element in the success and expediency of our mission; it was God.
May all His people praise Him for His wonderful acts!