Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sunday: Don't touch the secret things

From Deuteronomy 28-30:

1. I notice that it states in chapter 28 the stipulation for blessings as "if you fully obey...and carefully follow". That means that it was not to be just a casual kind of 'if I get around to it' or 'I'll try' type of thing.

2. He specifically said in Deuteronomy 28:14 not to turn to other gods. I know that Israel did do that. I wonder how God would view the US in our turning away from God as a nation. We have not chosen to worship other gods in the same sense as Israel, but the nation is now more obsessed with money/wealth and politics than with God.

3. God was very clear that he did not want the Israelites to turn away from Him. It is interesting that the list of curses is far longer than the list of blessings. The blessings sound wonderful, but the curses sound absolutely horrifying.

4. Don't touch the secret things - I wonder what the meaning is of chapter 30 verse 29. What are the secret things? Does this refer to mysteries not yet revealed, like the coming of the Christ and how he will appear, etc.?

5. What must a man do to have the kind of covenant that the Israelites had? If only they had obeyed. Though it does state that when they are again willing to be faithful that God will again bless them.

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