From Judges 4-6:
1. One thing I forgot to mention in the last post: I wonder what was so special about Ehud being a lefty. I cannot bring myself to believe that he was the only one around at this time. Interesting.
2. It is interesting that Deborah is settling disputes among the Israelites. First of all, this seems unusual because typically the leaders were male. Secondly, she then sends for Barak - a guy from the tribe of Naphtali - to go and make war against Sisera. I wonder what her husband did (occupation) and why she did not ask him. I am guessing it is because God specifically told her to contact Barak. Otherwise she probably would have asked her husband to go and do it. I mean, typically if my wife finds a spider that needs killing, she calls for me to do it, not some guy in another town. (Not that Sisera was a spider or anything, but...)
3. Jael was quite brave in pegging Sisera. If he had woken, things would not have gone well for her. Also, I wonder why she was driven to do this. Was she angry with him? Was she sure she would not experience any retribution after this act, seeing that their clan was friendly with Jabin king of Hazor?
4. Chapter five says that Deborah and Barak sang a song, and it records the words of this song. In this song it talks about the tribes who came to fight or sent representatives to fight. It lists Benjamin, Ephriam, Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali as having fought. However, it seems to indicate that the tribes of Reuben, Dan, and Asher, as well as the people of Gilead did not assist in the fighting.
5. It is interesting to note that the people of the town where Gideon lived were going to kill him for destroying an idol, and yet they were not at all concerned about the fact that they were going against the God that had given them the land they were currently living in.
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