Thursday, January 17, 2008

Return the favor

Today I had an opportunity to "pencil-whip" some paperwork. But I did not. After all of my reflections upon the impeccable character that David was, with all of his integrity, I could not see any good reason to "pencil-whip" this work. I refused. And God was looking out for me in this situation.

From I Samuel 28-31:

1. I wonder how David had the courage to go into battle against his kinsmen - the Israelites. He had no way of knowing that they would ask him to go back home, and I am sure more than a few of his men were not really thrilled with fighting against Israel.

2. It is quite funny that the medium who brought up Samuel at Saul's request was shocked when it actually happened. I wonder why she was so shocked. I am guessing it was because typically she did a little bit of "voodoo" magic and nothing really happened. In this case, the spirit actually came up and freaked her out. Also, I am wondering why she immediately knew it must be no other than Saul who had requested.

3. David's men illustrate how they were not totally interested in going to fight alongside the Philistines by their response when they get back and find out that their families have been abducted by the Amalekites. They talked of stoning David! The most interesting statement is in verse 6 of chapter 30 when it says "But David found strength in the Lord his God."

4. I like how David made the rule that all share in the plunder. Ultimately, David was very wise in realizing that in order for one group to be successful, there needs to be another group who stays behind and facilitates. This is not just true in war, but really in any and every venture. In order to get ahead, someone must stay behind and do the basics that are required just to maintain the current position. In our family, though I am able to go out and (hopefully) do great things and accomplish much in my workplace, I cannot do it without my wife back on the home front helping by cooking dinner and cleaning the house and doing the laundry. It is much more of a thankless job without any glory or real sense of accomplishment, but it is still a necessary job. I thank God for her. She is wonderful! (And I am reminded even more of this as today is our anniversary.)

5. David was wise in culling favor of those friends that he had in Israel by sending them some plunder. This would go a long ways perhaps in the coming months and years when he is "campaigning" to be the king of the land.

6. I understand that Jonathan was killed by the Philistines. However, I am guessing that he put up a really spectacular fight. Just knowing how he approached a battle just the same way as David did - without fear - makes me think that it must have taken a whole lot to bring him down.

7. The men of Jabesh Gilead were finally able to return the favor to Saul that he paid them when he first became king. When they heard that his body was hanging in a temple of one of the gods in Beth Shan, the bible says that their valiant men journeyed all night to the place where his body was and removed it from the wall. They then smuggled it back to Jabesh Gilead and burned the body and buried the bones. They risked their lives just as Saul had risked his life in protecting them against Nahash the Ammonite, as recorded back in chapter 11.

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