Saturday, November 22, 2008

Indiana Jones Notes

From II Chronicles 4 - 6:

1. II Chronicles 3:18 says that there was quite a large number of bronze items made - to the point that the weight of the items could not be determined. I read recently that a group of archeologists found a place in Israel that was originally a place where there was a large amount of metal processing (perhaps it was bronze - I can't recall) and they directly attributed it to Solomon's time based upon some form of dating / aging.

2. It is interesting that it mentions bringing the Ark of the Lord's Covenant from Zion to Jerusalem. I wonder if that meant from a particular place in Jerusalem (like the forbidden city in China - bringing something into Beijing to there), or if there was some other meaning.

3. It again mentions that the Ark and Tent of Meeting were brought up - not sure from where. Another idea is that (since Jerusalem is on a hill, as I understand it) the Tent of Meeting / Ark were down below - maybe at the base of the hill or something along those lines.

4. It says that the amount of animals sacrificed could not even be counted. Now that is amazing! I wish everyone were as excited about serving God and giving to Him as they were at this time.

5. Indiana Jones Notes - At this point there was only the two tablets contained in the Ark. This might be valuable information if you are Indiana Jones - as you will be able to identify the real Ark vs. a fake.

6. The prayer recorded that Solomon made to God is really awesome. He mentions that only God can see the heart. This goes hand in hand with I Samuel 16:7.

7. It is interesting that Solomon even intercedes on the behalf of foreigners - that they also have the privilege of praying there to God and having their prayers be heard.

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