Thursday, February 22, 2007

Monday: Keep singing

From Deuteronomy 31-34:

1. Keep singing - Wow! That is a long song. And all the Israelites will learn and remember it? Impressive. I guess this gives credibility to the idea that it is easier to remember something when it is in song form.

2. In Deuteronomy 32:17 it states that they sacrificed to demons. I have always felt that there was some power with the false gods that are worshiped around the world. It is demons that give these false gods their power. After all, Satan only cares that people do not believe in the one true God. He does not care what else one believes in, as long as it is not the truth.

3. It is nice to know that the Lord cares for his servants and will take vengance on those who slaughter his servants.

4. It is interesting that Moses specifically commanded the Israelites to learn the words to the song so that they could command their children regarding these things. It is very important to impress upon one's children the importance of following God.

5. I don't know that I would want to be like Moses, because he was told by God when he would die. I think it would give me a heart-attack just thinking about it! I believe most people are this way. They say that most people who die by falling from a very high height die of a heart-attack before they ever hit the ground. Same idea, I guess.

6. It is interesting that in chapter 33 Moses is referred to as Moses the man of God.

7. King over Jeshurun? What is this referring to?

8. Moses laid his hands on Joshua so that Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom. Nice! I wish I had that spirit.

9. The last two verses about Moses in Deuteronomy really extol Moses as exceptional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are REALLY BEHIND on your blog!!!!!! You should catch up!!!!!