Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just and Right

From I Chronicles 18 - 20:

1. Just and Right - I like how it tells that David "reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people". I wish we could get a President who would do this. "Just" and "right" have left our culture due to special interest groups and lobbyists. I don't care which side of the fence you are on, that is a REAL issue that we face today.
Declining morality within the masses of this country, however, is a direct reflection upon the church's failure to effectively set a good example and actively seek to spread the gospel locally.

2. Hanun reminds me of Rehoboam - a grandson of David - who would become king in the future. He listened to the wisdom of his nobles but did not try to think about it for himself. Both Rehoboam and Hanun were big losers because they miscalculated how their actions would change the outcome. And both of them learned the hard way at a very early point in their careers.

3. It is neat to see how in many battles that were fought, there was someone who was instrumental in the victory. In I Chronicles 20 it talks about different battles with the Philistines and how someone each time stood up to a tough adversary and was successful. It shows that we just need to trust God, not fear and be willing to stand up in the face of death and danger.

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