Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nothing bad will ever happen to me

I hope that all of my loyal readers have not given up on me. I had been quite busy this week and did not get many chances to post. I apologize. We will see how the coming week goes.

From I Chronicles 4 - 8:

1. Nothing bad will ever happen to me - I have not read the books about this particular passage, but I notice that I Chronicles 4:9-10 is what has been termed "The Prayer of Jabez". Whole books have been written regarding these two verses. Although I cannot speak to the content within the books, I want to point out some facts as recorded in this passage to my loyal readers.
First, Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. The passage does not tell us why, but it does tell us that he was more honorable.
Second, Jabez cried out to God for blessings. I think that there is not a person on earth who believes in God that does not do this. Everyone wants to be blessed. And anyone who truly believes in God prays to God asking for protection, blessing, etc.
Third, God granted his request. This is actually the key point. God is sovereign and all-knowing. In God's mercy and grace, he chose at that time to bless Jabez. However, consider the thoughts listed below.
A. As I mentioned, all believers cry to God for blessing. However, though it is not wrong to ask for God's blessing, many people are wrong in doing so because they are ONLY interested in God's blessing. They do not want to serve God, follow God, obey God, or be a living sacrifice for God.
B. I am relatively certain that Paul, Peter, John, James, Thomas, etc. asked for God's blessing too. Each one was tortured for their faith, and except for John, all died at the hands of evil men. (Actually, this is the greatest blessing if you read the beatitudes.)
C. Job was blessed by God, but at a certain time in his life, God removed all these so-called "blessings" to grow his faith and test him.
D. Lazarus in the story Jesus told was greatly blessed by God because he died and went to Abraham's side. However, in his life he "received bad things".
Our problem is that we misunderstand what it means to be blessed. Perhaps the beatitudes should be included in the Prayer of Jabez book. To be truly blessed does not always mean having plenty and living a life of luxury. The bible records this about the rich man who went to hell : There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. So think about what you mean when you ask for God's blessing. If you lose your job or you find yourself being persecuted because of your prayers, it is then that you should be praising God.
(I do not mean to infer that having wealth / comfort is wrong. However, one should refer to I Timothy 6:6-9,17-19, as well as James 1, paying special attention to verses 9-10.
The greatest blessing one can have is to be welcomed into heaven, to spend all eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ , while worshiping God the Father.

2. It is interesting to note that although Reuben was the firstborn of Jacob, he was not given the rights accompanying this position because he had slept with one of his father's wives. Instead, this position was given to Joseph's sons.

3. It is really cool to see how the Reubenites and Gadites were successful in battle because they cried out to the Lord. It says that many of their enemies were slain because "the battle was God's". Cool! That is how God responds to those who call upon him out of a pure heart!

4. I Chronicles 7:24 records that Sheerah, the daughter of either Ephriam or Beriah built Lower and Upper Beth Horon, as well as Uzzen Sheerah. Wow, the first female construction manager / general contractor! Additionally, we see shortly before this a mention of Zelophehad. His daughters were the ones who went before Joshua to successfully requested ownership of the land that was allotted their family, since their father had no sons.

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