Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Food and Water

I hope that all of  you are persisting in your pursuit of the knowledge of our Lord and Savior by reading each day.  I know it is not easy, but it is just a matter of putting the highest priority on this time.

The Gospel According To John - Chapter 4

  1. Who was it that was baptizing the disciples of Jesus?
  2. What  type of woman did Jesus encounter?
  3. What did Jesus offer to the woman?
  4. What kind of food did Jesus have to eat?
  5. Did Jesus ever claim to be the Messiah?
  6. Many of the townspeople believed because of what?
  7. What was the second miracle that Jesus performed?
 Keep up the efforts to read.  It will build into your life the habit that we previously discussed - training yourself to be godly (I Timothy 4:7).

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