Friday, February 14, 2014

Temples and wine

I have decided to begin using this blog again, partly to help those who are trying to follow along with me and the Joe Ruth bible study group as we begin building the habit of daily scripture reading. The other reason is because this media is so much easier to use than emails every day. Our reading for today would be  

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 2 

Some questions to help you get a clear picture and stimulate your thinking:

  1. What type of event was Jesus at when he ended up performing a miracle? 
  2. According to this passage, who "asked" him to perform this miracle? 
  3. According to this passage, what number is this miracle? 
  4. What exactly was the miracle that Jesus performed? 
  5. In this passage, what did Jesus do that would begin his record of stirring up trouble in opposition to the religious leaders? 
  6. Approximately at what time of the year did this event occur? 
  7. The passage states that many people believed in his name. Why did he not begin to build up support for "his cause"? 

Comments are welcomed!

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