Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunday: Come on - snake eyes!

From Joshua 16-19:

1. Joshua was very wise with his words. When the tribes of the descendants of Joseph came to Joshua and complained about not having enough land, he offered to them some land that had yet to be conquered. They argued some trying to get him to give them (presumably) some of the already conquered and subdued land by using the argument that they were a larger group of people. So Joshua agreed that they were stronger and larger, and therefore had the capacity to be able to subdue those who had yet to be conquered.

2. Come on - snake eyes! - I wonder how Joshua cast lots for these areas of land after the men of Israel had mapped them out. They must have had to first identify a number of tracts of land in order to cast lots for them.

3. I wonder what area the Danites attacked since they could not easily take possession of the territory that was allotted to them.

4. It is nice to see that Joshua got a small town for himself. After all, he led them to conquer all of these foreign kings and such. It seems such a pity that Moses was not able to share in this wonderful joy. (Though I am certain there was quite a bit of work to do owning one's own town.)

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