Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Thursday: What a great example!

From Joshua 7-9:

1. It seems unfair that some of the Israelites had to die because of the sin of Achan. It was pretty graphic though. Just think of it: One man takes some stuff that he covets. Then, due to his sin, not only do thirty six brave warriors have to die, but also Achan's entire family (wife, children, etc.) Perhaps we ought to think harder about how many people will be affected by our sinning against God. Many times we just consider what we want, disregarding God's commands. But what we forget is that our sin not only affects us, but also those we love and others around us. Consider a man who murders another due to jealous rage. He must then sit trial and be incarcerated, which not only affects his family profoundly, but also affects all the taxpayers who must pay to keep him incarcerated.

2. I would also imagine that one of the reasons that the family was destroyed along with Achan is that many times the head of the household (apparently he was) has taught his children by his actions as well as his words. Therefore it is very possible that his children would continue in his ways due to his poor example. In our country today many people have lives of crime due to the examples of their parents before them. Why do depressed areas of any city continue to be depressed? Because there continues to be crime, from generation to generation.

3. What a great example! - After capturing Ai, the Israelites had access to Mount Ebal and they built the altar that was supposed to be built there, where some of the tribes were to pronounce the curses of the Lord if the Israelites did not keep the covenant that they had with the Lord. It is neat that after the successes that the Lord was giving Joshua, he did not forget the Lord or his long-standing commands given through Moses earlier in Deuteronomy 27. It says that Joshua followed the instructions just as Moses had given them.

4. Regarding the Gibeonites, the Israelites should have followed their first instinct. They also should have consulted God on it. God had originally commanded them to make no treaties with the nations in Canaan.

5. I guess, if given the choice, I would rather be a woodcutter or water carrier than to be dead. So from the standpoint of the Gibeonites, I can see why they would choose this option.

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