Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wednesday: A promise kept

From Joshua 4-6:

1. It is interesting that the Israelites held Joshua in high esteem from the day that the Israelites crossed the Jordan. This is due to the fact that in chapter three (from yesterday) in verses 5 and verse 9 Joshua gave all the credit to God and very clearly stated to the Israelites that God was going to do great things. (He was not seeking his own glory, and because of this, God exalted him.) This corresponds directly with what it says in James 4 - Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.

2. It is neat that the Lord had one person from each tribe to collect a rock from the bed of the Jordan River to make a commemorative monument for the Israelites to see. God wanted them to not only remember, but have something to show their descendants to remind them of how powerful the Lord is.

3. In chapter five it talks of the Israelites being circumcised. That must have been painful. I watched my oldest get circumcised, and it was hard to watch. The nurse said that she had seen grown men faint when they saw this done. I can't imagine having to have that done as an adult. The pain!!! It sure is a good thing that God caused all of the nations around to tremble with fear and not go out to fight - otherwise it would have been tough for the Israelites.

4. Joshua must have known that the individual that he encountered was of otherwordly origin, since he did not even question the statement that the guy made about being the commander.

5. A promise kept - It is great to see that the Israelites kept their promise to Rahab. In this day and age, it seems that no one keeps their promises, especially with regard to war-related promises. Mankind becomes more and more ruthless and hateful.

6. After the city was burned, Joshua proclaimed that if the city were rebuilt, it would be at the cost of his firstborn and youngest children. (It seems to indicate that he would lose all of his children through this process.)

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