Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Be careful what you ask for

Yesterday proved to be quite hectic.  I hope and pray that it will be a very good (and easier) day today - but sometimes what we think is good may not be, as shown by the passage today.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 12
約翰福音 12

  1.  What was Judas Iscariot's concern when at Mary, Martha and Lazarus' house?
  2. In addition to seeing Jesus, what else was causing many to believe in Jesus?
  3. What must a kernel of wheat do to preserve its "legacy"?  
  4. Though many believed in Jesus, why would they not confess their faith publicly?
  5. What was the purpose of Jesus' coming to Earth, according to what Jesus says in this passage?
  6. How much was the perfume worth that Mary put on Jesus' feet?
  7. The passage about the "Triumphal Entry", as many call it is important.  What significance does it have?
Some other notes that I made myself.

  1.  One would think that being brought back to life by Jesus would be a good thing.  However, from Lazarus' example we can imagine that it really was not the greatest thing ever.  After all, now he has Pharisees plotting to kill him and the fact that he still has to die again sometime seems really rough.  "Didn't I already go through that ordeal once?"
  2. The above observation really brings us to the realization that God wants us to look at our lives in a very different perspective.  We get this from the comments made about the kernel of wheat.  Why is it that we as Christians so many times still view life the way the rest of the world does?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

What's that smell?

Today's weather was beautiful!  I was so happy to get out and enjoy it for a little while, even though it was while working on things that needed to be done around the house.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 11
約 翰 福 音 11 

  1. What were the names of the three people who belonged to the family Jesus went to visit?  耶稣去拜访的这个家庭中三个成员的名字是什么?
  2. What did Jesus say Lazarus was doing when he first told his disciples they should go back to see him?  耶稣第一次告诉他的门徒们说他们应该回去看拉撒路时,他说拉撒路正在做什么?
  3. What did the disciples think that they were going back to do?他的门徒们以为他们回去是要做什么?
  4. How many days had the man been in the tomb?  这个人在坟墓里已经几天了?
  5. What did the two sisters say about Jesus' delay?  关于耶稣的耽误,这两位姐妹怎么说?
  6. What does Jesus do that shows he really cares when someone hurts?  耶稣做了什么来显示当有人伤痛时他真的关心?
  7. Did the Pharisees acknowledge the miracle that Jesus performed?  对于耶稣所行的神迹, 法利赛人承认接受吗?
Some other thoughts and reflections I had while reading this passage:

  1. The first part of this passage clearly shows that God does not always just make your tough situations "go away".  In fact, in this case he let Lazarus die so that he could glorify God's name.  Sometimes we need to understand (just as Paul did with his thorn in the flesh - II Cor. 12:7-10) that God allows these things to happen and it may not be His will to end the suffering or difficulty.
  2. It is amazing that the Pharisees begin to truly "plan on" killing Jesus after this "ultimate" miraculous sign - the resurrection from the dead.  Even though the evidence is very clear that Jesus is indeed who he claims to be, the leaders do not want it and are willing to work at odds with God's will - an unwinnable battle and a condemning choice.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Listen for the Voice

Today was much less stressful than I had anticipated, simply because I tend to dread things I don't want to do.  Typically, though, once I get into them they're not that bad - and this was no exception.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 10 
約翰福音 10

Here are some things to ponder as you read through this passage:
  1. Jesus again makes claims by saying "I am", in this case twice.  What are the two "I am" statements he makes? 耶 稣又用两次"...我是..."介绍他自己。 这两次他怎么说?
  2. What type of life can we have in Jesus, according to this passage? 根据这段经文,在基督里,我们会有什么样的生活?
  3. According to this passage, who controls Jesus' life? 根据这段经文,誰掌管耶稣的生命?
  4. What passage proves that Jesus always had the ability to elude / escape his aggressors if he so chose? 在这章,我们怎么知道耶稣能保护他自己的生命?
  5. What did the Jews want to do to him? 当时的 猶太人想要对耶稣做什么?
  6. What is one way you can tell a "sheep" of Jesus'? 我们怎么认出耶稣的羊?
  7. What miracle was everyone still talking about in this passage? 在这章, 人人还在讲耶稣所做的哪一件神蹟?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My favorite chapter of John

After a long hiatus, I am back at it.  I have found that unless this gets put on the priority list for my day, it does not make it to the top of the "to do" list until I am getting in bed for the evening - and then I'm usually too tired.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 9

約翰福音 9

Here are the questions to consider for this chapter:
  1. What do the disciples attribute the blind man's condition to? 耶穌的門徒們说这个人眼瞎是什么原因?
  2. What does Jesus attribute the blind man's condition to?  耶穌说这个人眼瞎是什么原因?
  3. We come to another "I am" statement by Jesus in this chapter.  What is it?  耶穌又讲说"我是..."。这次,他说他是什么?
  4. On what day did Jesus heal the man born blind? 耶穌医治盲人是在那一天?
  5. How did the parents of the blind man respond to the questions from the Pharisees?  Why?  盲人的父母关于他得医治的,他们怎么回答法利賽? 为什么?
  6. What did the Pharisees say about Jesus?  法利賽耶穌什么?
  7. In this passage, Jesus gives a reason for why he had come into the world.  What is it? 在这段经文中, 耶穌说他来到地球的原因是什么?
Things to think about:

  1. Did you ever wonder why Jesus used the mud to heal this man?  He could've just healed him by saying some words.  I am guessing it had something to do with the man finding him again later (because that way the blind man would not know what Jesus looked like).  Either that, or it was so that Jesus could avoid being questioned by the Pharisees about this miracle directly, as his time had not yet come.
  2.  I love how Jesus uses this blind man's comments to entirely shame the Pharisees.  While they did not accept what he had to say, the truth was there for all to see.

Monday, March 03, 2014

What are you writing?

It has been quite a few days since I entered anything here.  I apologize for my lack of attention to this; I'll try to do better going forward.

The Gospel According To John - Chapter 8

約 翰 福 音 8

Questions to ask yourself as you read:

  1. What did the teachers of the law ask Jesus at the beginning of the chapter? 在这章,文士问耶 稣什么样的问题?
  2. Jesus makes his second proclamation ("I am" statement).  What did he say he was? 耶 稣第二次用一句。。我是。。介绍他自己。 这句话是什么?
  3. According to Jesus in this chapter, you will die in your sins if you do not believe what fact?  你们必 要 死 在 罪 中如果你没做什么?
  4. According to this chapter, how can anyone tell a true disciple of Jesus Christ?  你们就 真 是 我 的 门 徒如果你做什么?
  5. What sets people free?  什么东西必 叫 你 们 得 以 自 由?
  6. If you keep Jesus' word, what will you never see?  人 若 遵 守 我 的 道 , 就 永 远怎么样?
  7. Complete the statement: Jesus said, "Before Abraham was born,   "  耶 稣说还 没 有 亚 伯 拉 罕 就怎么样?

Things to ponder:

  1. I wonder what Jesus was writing in the sand

Monday, February 24, 2014

Are you thirsty?

It was a beautiful weekend, as I mentioned in my last post - at least Saturday's temperatures were amazing, especially after the bitter cold we've had.  However, Sunday it dropped back down and was snowing as I headed home from church.  But spring is just around the corner now.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 7

  1. What did Jesus' brothers suggest that he do?
  2. What was the reason Jesus gave for not doing what his brothers suggested?
  3. When did Jesus finally go to the Feast of the Tabernacles?
  4. What was the reason that Jesus gave that the Jews were trying to kill him?
  5. What did Jesus say would happen to those who believe in him?
  6. What was the reason that many Jews gave for not believing in him?
  7. A couple of times, it records that some wanted to seize him but did not.  What was the reason they could not seize him?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Eating and Believing

It is a beautiful morning!  I hope that you all get a chance to enjoy it today.  Also, I hope you can truly enjoy this passage.  It's a great one!

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 6

  1. Why did the crowd gather to see Jesus?
  2. How many baskets of food were leftovers?
  3. Why did Jesus withdraw to a mountain by himself?
  4. Belief in what will cause one to have eternal life, according to this chapter?
  5. In this chapter, Jesus stated, "I am the ______".  What did he claim to be?
  6. According to this passage, what gives life and what counts for nothing?
  7. According to this chapter, was Jesus aware of the fact that He would be betrayed later?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Down at the public pool

Yesterday was a really busy day, which threw me off of my schedule.  Fortunately, today I was able to get back on to things - but it is late as I type this entry in.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 5

  1. What was the physical condition of the man whom Jesus met at the pool?
  2. What was the warning that Jesus gave to the man when he saw him later?
  3. What were the two reasons given (according to this chapter) for Jesus being persecuted / harrassed by the Jews?
  4. According to the passage, how can one be sure that they have eternal life?
  5. Jesus did not accept what from men?
  6. Who was the accuser of the Jews, according to Jesus?
  7. Did Jesus suggest that there would be a resurrection of the dead?
I hope you are still trying to be diligent in reading daily, or at least as much as possible and working towards daily reading.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Food and Water

I hope that all of  you are persisting in your pursuit of the knowledge of our Lord and Savior by reading each day.  I know it is not easy, but it is just a matter of putting the highest priority on this time.

The Gospel According To John - Chapter 4

  1. Who was it that was baptizing the disciples of Jesus?
  2. What  type of woman did Jesus encounter?
  3. What did Jesus offer to the woman?
  4. What kind of food did Jesus have to eat?
  5. Did Jesus ever claim to be the Messiah?
  6. Many of the townspeople believed because of what?
  7. What was the second miracle that Jesus performed?
 Keep up the efforts to read.  It will build into your life the habit that we previously discussed - training yourself to be godly (I Timothy 4:7).

Monday, February 17, 2014

Nick and John B.

I hope that your journey through the Gospel According to John is going well so far.  Below are the questions that I think may assist you in your continued study.

The Gospel According To John - Chapter 3

  1. When the chapter opens, who is Jesus talking with and what is the man's position / occupation?
  2. When was this man having this conversation with Jesus?
  3. Why does man love darkness, according to this passage?
  4. The man is confused about a comment Jesus makes regarding doing something "a second time" - according to the man.  What is the comment Jesus makes, and what does it mean?
  5. What concern did John's disciples have about Jesus?
  6. When is a man condemned before God, and based upon what criterion?
  7. How can a man experience God's wrath?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Temples and wine

I have decided to begin using this blog again, partly to help those who are trying to follow along with me and the Joe Ruth bible study group as we begin building the habit of daily scripture reading. The other reason is because this media is so much easier to use than emails every day. Our reading for today would be  

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 2 

Some questions to help you get a clear picture and stimulate your thinking:

  1. What type of event was Jesus at when he ended up performing a miracle? 
  2. According to this passage, who "asked" him to perform this miracle? 
  3. According to this passage, what number is this miracle? 
  4. What exactly was the miracle that Jesus performed? 
  5. In this passage, what did Jesus do that would begin his record of stirring up trouble in opposition to the religious leaders? 
  6. Approximately at what time of the year did this event occur? 
  7. The passage states that many people believed in his name. Why did he not begin to build up support for "his cause"? 

Comments are welcomed!