Thursday, March 20, 2014

My favorite chapter of John

After a long hiatus, I am back at it.  I have found that unless this gets put on the priority list for my day, it does not make it to the top of the "to do" list until I am getting in bed for the evening - and then I'm usually too tired.

The Gospel According to John - Chapter 9

約翰福音 9

Here are the questions to consider for this chapter:
  1. What do the disciples attribute the blind man's condition to? 耶穌的門徒們说这个人眼瞎是什么原因?
  2. What does Jesus attribute the blind man's condition to?  耶穌说这个人眼瞎是什么原因?
  3. We come to another "I am" statement by Jesus in this chapter.  What is it?  耶穌又讲说"我是..."。这次,他说他是什么?
  4. On what day did Jesus heal the man born blind? 耶穌医治盲人是在那一天?
  5. How did the parents of the blind man respond to the questions from the Pharisees?  Why?  盲人的父母关于他得医治的,他们怎么回答法利賽? 为什么?
  6. What did the Pharisees say about Jesus?  法利賽耶穌什么?
  7. In this passage, Jesus gives a reason for why he had come into the world.  What is it? 在这段经文中, 耶穌说他来到地球的原因是什么?
Things to think about:

  1. Did you ever wonder why Jesus used the mud to heal this man?  He could've just healed him by saying some words.  I am guessing it had something to do with the man finding him again later (because that way the blind man would not know what Jesus looked like).  Either that, or it was so that Jesus could avoid being questioned by the Pharisees about this miracle directly, as his time had not yet come.
  2.  I love how Jesus uses this blind man's comments to entirely shame the Pharisees.  While they did not accept what he had to say, the truth was there for all to see.

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