Monday, March 03, 2014

What are you writing?

It has been quite a few days since I entered anything here.  I apologize for my lack of attention to this; I'll try to do better going forward.

The Gospel According To John - Chapter 8

約 翰 福 音 8

Questions to ask yourself as you read:

  1. What did the teachers of the law ask Jesus at the beginning of the chapter? 在这章,文士问耶 稣什么样的问题?
  2. Jesus makes his second proclamation ("I am" statement).  What did he say he was? 耶 稣第二次用一句。。我是。。介绍他自己。 这句话是什么?
  3. According to Jesus in this chapter, you will die in your sins if you do not believe what fact?  你们必 要 死 在 罪 中如果你没做什么?
  4. According to this chapter, how can anyone tell a true disciple of Jesus Christ?  你们就 真 是 我 的 门 徒如果你做什么?
  5. What sets people free?  什么东西必 叫 你 们 得 以 自 由?
  6. If you keep Jesus' word, what will you never see?  人 若 遵 守 我 的 道 , 就 永 远怎么样?
  7. Complete the statement: Jesus said, "Before Abraham was born,   "  耶 稣说还 没 有 亚 伯 拉 罕 就怎么样?

Things to ponder:

  1. I wonder what Jesus was writing in the sand

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