From Exodus 49 - Leviticus 1:
1. It is interesting that Moses was able to go into the presence of God up on Mount Sinai and see his glory (Exodus 33:18), yet he could not enter the Tent of Meeting because of the glory of the Lord had filled it (Exodus 40:35). I believe this was to show how God ordained this tabernacle to be his dwelling, at least during this time period.
2. Although I read the account of all the details of how the tabernacle was made, and how there was the Holy Place and then the Most Holy Place, I am still not clear as to how the Israelites moved all of this without entering the Most Holy Place to take things down and move everything. I assume that it was a different type of situation packing up than when one entered the presence of the Most Holy Place. Perhaps it can be differentiated by where the cloud was at the time of entrance into this area. If the cloud was overhead, then you were entering the Most Holy Place, but if the cloud was starting to move, you were just packing up.
3. Attention to detail - It was very important that everything was just as God had said. Since the Israelites did everything exactly like the instructions that they were given, Moses blessed them (Exodus 39:43). An interesting thing is that in Chapter 39 of Exodus, the phrase "as the Lord commanded Moses" was stated 8 times!
Leviticus, here we come!!! (I actually covered Leviticus 1 today, but I will not comment on it until tomorrow so that we are focusing on one book at a time.)
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