From Genesis 29 - 31
1. God - The Great Equalizer - It is interesting how God did not allow Sarah to have children for so long. Then God did not allow Rebekah to have children for quite some time, until Isaac prayed to the Lord on Rebekah's behalf (Genesis 25:21). Then Rachel, who the bible says was beautiful (Genesis 29:17) just like Sarah and Rebekah, had the same challenge (Genesis 29:31). But what is most fascinating about this is that God blessed Leah. The bible says it was because she was not loved. (Genesis 29:31)
Does this mean that great beauty comes with a high price? It is neat that when God does not give us one thing, he always blesses us with something else. Sometimes we just need to discover what it is that God has given us as a blessing.
2. After the discussion that Jacob has with his wives and the evidence that he gives for thinking that God has blessed him and judged between him and Laban, it is funny that Rachel would be so stupid as to steal the household gods. They obviously did not help Laban any, so what was she thinking? Why bother?
3. It is interesting that Jacob tells about a dream that indicated that God was giving him the increase, but before that it talked about how Jacob was using the poplar branches to try and fix things in his favor. (I understand that Laban was not being fair either, but...) It just goes to show that it is really hard to act in a manner that is purely upright. Especially when your father and grandfather before you were known to have deceived people (regarding wives). I believe that even if Jacob had not done any of the things he did, there still would have been vindication by God. Suppose he did not try his own little tricks and God did not vindicate him against a jealous father-in-law. I wonder why God allowed him to do these things? I also wonder if that dream was truly a dream, and not just something that he made up to explain his overwhelming success.
4. How does an oath in "the name of the Fear of his father Isaac" work? I wonder if it is like when you don't have enough credit, so you have to get your parents to co-sign. That would be an oath in "the name of the Credit of your father (insert-your-dad's-name-here)".
Tomorrow is back to work day. Craig, Hannah, Sam, Paul, and I played Risk a good portion of the day today. The only bad thing about this is I got almost nothing constructive accomplished. But it was enjoyable!!
You explained that God gives each of us blessings in different ways; it is so true. That comment is spot on.
No person can say he has no gifts (Because according to the bible that can't be true). Not only that but we are supposed to use our gifts to glorify God by helping others. Some may 'seem' to have more blessing than others but I think God does distribute blessings fairly.
I used to think that movie stars and singers had more blessings than myself but when I grew up I realized that most of them are miserable. Celebrities can barely hold down a marriage for more than a year, they hide from the press, get stalked, etc. etc.
Well said, William. I could not agree more!
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