From Leviticus 13-15:
1. It is funny to see how rashes and hair turning white were considered unclean. I think that our first child was unclean most of his first couple of months, until we figured out how to keep the diaper rash away!! (And now that I think about it, he really was unclean!)
2. I wonder why the big emphasis on hair turning white. That would not bode well for many people as they get older. Although I assume that this refers to leprosy and is in an effort to keep leprosy out of the general populace of Israel.
3. I wonder what "leprosy" was and if this was describing it. According to wikipedia, leprosy was a pretty vague term in the original biblical text and could have included even such things as dandruff. So it would appear that everyone would be considered unclean at some point in their lives due to a rash of some sort.
4. Regarding mildew, I wonder what the priest would do about some of our bathroom tubs. Not a pretty thought!
5. Bald is beautiful! - Exodus 13:14 says it all.
6. Leviticus 14:9 might explain what Sinead O'Connor was trying to accomplish.
7. Chapter 15 heading ought to be "Eeewwww!"
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