Sunday, January 07, 2007

Monday: Bridegroom of Blood?

From Exodus 1-4:

1. I wonder why the new king that came to power did not know of Joseph. It was a pretty significant thing that he did. Did they not keep records?

2. It is funny that the thing that the Egyptians were afraid of was that the Israelites might leave the country, and due to this reason they worked them hard. Usually if you don't want someone to leave, you treat them good.

3. In Exodus 3 it talks of Moses's mother seeing that he was a fine child: "When she saw that he was a fine child,..." What does this mean? Would she have ditched him in the Nile if he was not a "fine child"? I am glad my parents didn't ditch me in the Nile, though I am not certain that I was a "fine child".

4. I am surprised that the daughter of Pharaoh was not suspicious when this girl appears out of nowhere (Moses's sister - watching the baby) and offers to go find a nurse for the child. It also seems that this was kind of the plan by the family anyways. Otherwise, why would one put a child that was in danger of being killed into a basket that was left in the water among the weeds of the riverbank.

5. It is nice to see that God hears our groaning when we are in situations like what the Israelites are in. But I would like to believe that even if God had not made the covenant with Abraham, that he would have tried to rescue the Israelites. Perhaps not, and it is only a "what-if", but I still would like to believe this.

6. Moses was not so smart. He did not want to help when God asked him to. God got angry as a result.

7. Bridegroom of Blood? When God was going to kill Moses, Zipporah stepped in and rescued him by circumcising her son and touching the foreskin to his feet. Now that is weird!!! And why was God going to kill Moses? I assume it was because Moses had asked to be exempted from the job God wanted done. I am not sure what the "Bridegroom of Blood" did to resolve that though. The only other explanation that I can think of is that God was going to kill Moses because he had not circumcised his children yet, and that was a command that God had given to the Israelites / Abraham's descendants.

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