From Numbers 13-15:
1. It is interesting how when there is only one way to go and it looks remarkably like a good way to go, some people can still find things to complain about and think that there might have been a better way before at some point...
It seems to me that these 10 spies that spread the bad report were just this type of person. They had no alternative, but insisted that everything was terrible, in spite of the huge cluster of grapes sitting right there and the pillar of cloud that had helped them defeat the Egyptians right near their camp.
2. The Israelite people strike me as people who like to whine about things instead of trusting and trying.
3. In Numbers 15 God tells Moses what the difference is between the sacrifice for sinning unintentionally and the price for sinning intentionally. God is not pleased with those who intentionally sin against Him and His law.
4. Sticks and stones will break my bones... - Numbers 15:32-36 talks about a man who is stoned for gathering sticks on the Sabbath. Is this the precursor to the saying?
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