Saturday, January 20, 2007

Saturday: It was an accident

From Leviticus 2-5:

1. I sometimes think it would be good for us to begin to offer sacrifices again, not because the price Jesus paid was not enough or anything like that, but rather because I think we so easily forget that there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. That is a high price to pay for sin. Perhaps this reminder though, might inspire us to be more careful about sinning.

2. It was an accident - It is interesting that all of the instances concern the unintentional sin. I wonder what one is supposed to do if they had known something was wrong but they did it anyways. And it also reminds us that there is no way that we can be perfect apart from some type of atonement, because we are bound to sin unintentionally at some point.

3. I wonder about all the blood that must have been shed around the altar. It must have smelled pretty awful after a time with all of that blood around the altar. I would imagine it would attract flies and such.

4. It is interesting to see that God says that someone who takes an oath carelessly is guilty, whether it is an oath of good or evil. That makes sense, since later God says not to take oaths, but rather let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No' (Matthew 5:37).

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